Golden Teacher mushrooms in a clear container, displaying golden-brown caps and white stems with visible white mycelium at the base.

How to Grow Golden Teacher Mushrooms? A Step-by-Step Guide

To grow Golden Teacher mushrooms, prepare a sterile environment and inoculate a substrate with a spore syringe. Maintain a temperature of 75-80°F and a humidity level of 90-95%. These specific conditions are crucial for successful cultivation.

Golden Teacher mushrooms are popular among cultivators due to their resilience and visual appeal. These psychedelic mushrooms are known for their golden caps and enlightening effects.

Growing them requires a clean, sterile environment to prevent contamination. Start with a spore syringe and inoculate a suitable substrate, such as brown rice flour or vermiculite.

Maintaining the right conditions, including humidity and temperature, is crucial for successful cultivation. Remember, patience and attention to detail are your best allies in this journey. With these, you can be confident of a fruitful harvest. Enthusiasts appreciate Golden Teacher mushrooms for their moderate potency and insightful experiences.

How to Grow Golden Teacher Mushrooms: A Step-by-Step Guide


Gathering Supplies for Growing Golden Teacher mushrooms

Growing Golden Teacher mushrooms is an exciting and rewarding journey. The first step is gathering supplies, which ensures you have everything needed to cultivate these fascinating fungi successfully. Let’s dive into the details, from essential tools to selecting the suitable substrate.

Essential Tools

To grow Golden Teacher mushrooms, you’ll need a few essential tools. These tools are crucial for creating the perfect environment for your mushrooms.

  • Pressure Cooker or Large Pot
  • Glass Jars with Lids
  • Spray Bottle
  • Alcohol Lamp or Lighter
  • Sterile Gloves
  • Scalpel or Sharp Knife

Each tool has a specific purpose. The pressure cooker sterilizes your substrate. Glass jars hold the substrate and mushroom spores. The spray bottle maintains humidity. The alcohol lamp sterilizes tools. Gloves prevent contamination. The scalpel helps with precise cuts.

Selecting The Right Substrate

The substrate is not just a medium for growth, it’s the lifeblood of your Golden Teacher mushrooms. Selecting the right substrate is vital for their growth, as it acts as a nutrient source, providing the essential elements for their development.

Common substrates include:

Substrate Type Description
Brown Rice Flour Rich in nutrients, easy to find.
Coconut Coir Excellent for retaining moisture.
Manure High in nutrients, ideal for many mushrooms.

Choosing the right substrate depends on your resources and preference. Brown rice flour is popular for beginners. Coconut coir helps with moisture. Manure provides rich nutrients.

Always ensure your substrate is sterilized. This prevents contamination and promotes healthy growth.

How to Grow Golden Teacher Mushrooms: A Step-by-Step Guide


Preparing The Substrate

Growing Golden Teacher mushrooms begins with preparing the substrate. The substrate is the food source for the mushrooms. Proper substrate preparation ensures healthy and strong mushroom growth.

Sterilizing The Substrate

Sterilizing the substrate is crucial. It prevents unwanted contaminants. You will need a pressure cooker for this step.

Follow these steps to sterilize the substrate:

  1. Fill the pressure cooker with water.
  2. Place the substrate in jars or bags.
  3. Seal the jars or bags tightly.
  4. Place them in the pressure cooker.
  5. Heat the pressure cooker to 15 PSI.
  6. Maintain this pressure for 90 minutes.
  7. Allow the pressure cooker to cool down naturally.

Once cooled, your substrate is sterilized and ready for the next step.

Mixing The Ingredients

Mixing the ingredients creates a nutrient-rich environment. Golden Teacher mushrooms need specific nutrients.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Vermiculite
  • Brown rice flour
  • Water

Follow these steps to mix the ingredients:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine vermiculite and water.
  2. Ensure the vermiculite is damp but not soaked.
  3. Mix in the brown rice flour until evenly distributed.
  4. Fill the sterilized jars or bags with the mixture.
  5. Leave some space at the top for air circulation.

The substrate, a key component in creating the perfect growing environment, is now ready for inoculation. This mixture, with its specific nutrients, provides the ideal conditions for Golden Teacher mushrooms to thrive.


Inoculation Process

The inoculation process is crucial to grow Golden Teacher mushrooms. It involves introducing spores to a nutrient-rich substrate.

This step determines the success of your mushroom cultivation. Follow these steps for a successful inoculation process.

Spore Syringe Preparation

First, prepare the spore syringe. It would help if you had a clean workspace. Sterilize the needle using a flame. Let it cool for a few seconds.

  • Shake the spore syringe to distribute the spores evenly.
  • Use an alcohol swab to clean the syringe’s tip.
  • Insert the needle into the spore solution.

Draw the solution into the syringe. Ensure you have the correct amount of spore solution. Typically, 10-12 ml is enough for several jars.

Inoculating The Substrate

Next, inoculate the substrate. Choose a sterilized substrate like brown rice flour. It would help if you also had mason jars with holes in the lids.

  1. Clean the jar lids with alcohol.
  2. Insert the syringe needle into the substrate through the holes.
  3. Inject 1-2 ml of spore solution into each hole.

After injection, cover the holes with micropore tape. This allows air exchange while keeping contaminants out.

Place the jars in a warm, dark place. The ideal temperature is between 70-75°F. Check the jars regularly for signs of mycelium growth. White, fluffy growth indicates successful inoculation.

Remember, keeping the substrate moist but not wet is crucial. It’s your responsibility to ensure the proper humidity for the mycelium to thrive.

Step Description
1 Sterilize needle and workspace.
2 Prepare the spore syringe.
3 Clean jar lids and inject spores.
4 Cover holes with micropore tape.
5 Store jars in warm, dark place.

Following these steps ensures a high success rate. The inoculation process is vital for growing healthy Golden Teacher mushrooms.

How to Grow Golden Teacher Mushrooms: A Step-by-Step Guide


Incubation Phase

The incubation phase is crucial in growing Golden Teacher mushrooms. During this stage, the mycelium spreads through the substrate. Proper conditions are key for healthy growth. Let’s explore the specifics.

Ideal Temperature And Humidity

Maintaining the ideal temperature and humidity is vital. Golden Teacher mushrooms thrive in temperatures between 75°F and 80°F (24°C to 27°C). Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature accurately.

Humidity levels should be kept around 70% to 80%. A hygrometer can help track this. If humidity drops, use a misting spray or a humidifier to adjust it.

Condition Optimal Range
Temperature 75°F to 80°F (24°C to 27°C)
Humidity 70% to 80%

Monitoring Mycelium Growth

Regularly check the mycelium growth. Look for white, thread-like structures spreading through the substrate. Avoid opening the container too often to prevent contamination.

If you notice any unusual colors like green, black, or pink, remove the contaminated area. This prevents the spread of mold or bacteria.

  • Use a sterile environment to handle the substrate.
  • Keep the container in a dark place to encourage growth.
  • Check for signs of contamination daily.

Once the mycelium fully colonizes the substrate, the incubation phase ends. Your Golden Teacher mushrooms are ready for the next growth stage.

Fruiting Conditions

Growing Golden Teacher mushrooms requires the right fruiting conditions. This ensures healthy and bountiful growth. Let’s dive into setting up the fruiting chamber and maintaining the proper environment.

Setting Up The Fruiting Chamber

The fruiting chamber is crucial for mushrooms. It mimics their natural environment. To set it up, follow these steps:

  1. Get a clear plastic storage box. It should have a lid.
  2. Drill holes on all sides, including the lid and bottom. Space the holes about 2 inches apart.
  3. Fill the bottom with soaked perlite. This keeps humidity high.
  4. Place a wire rack or mesh above the perlite. This elevates the substrate.
  5. Put your substrate or cakes on the rack. Ensure they have enough space.

Maintaining Proper Environment

Maintaining the right environment ensures optimal mushroom growth. Here’s how to do it:

Factor Optimal Condition
Temperature 70-75°F (21-24°C)
Humidity 85-95%
Light Indirect sunlight or a 6500K fluorescent light
Fresh Air Exchange Fan the chamber 2-3 times a day

To maintain proper temperature, keep the chamber in a warm room. Use a thermometer to monitor it. If the room is cold, use a small heater.

For humidity, mist the chamber daily. Use a spray bottle with clean water. Ensure the perlite stays moist.

Provide indirect light for 12 hours a day. Avoid direct sunlight as it can harm the mushrooms.

Ensure fresh air exchange. This prevents carbon dioxide buildup. Open the lid and fan the chamber with a piece of cardboard.

By following these steps, you can create the perfect fruiting conditions. Your Golden Teacher mushrooms will thrive and produce healthy fruits.

Harvesting Mushrooms

Harvesting Golden Teacher mushrooms is an exciting step. This phase requires attention and care. Proper harvesting ensures the best quality and potency.

Recognizing Harvest Time

Knowing when to harvest is crucial. Look for the veil under the mushroom cap. The veil should start to break. The cap expands and flattens. This is the ideal time to harvest.
Check the mushrooms daily. Growth can be rapid. Missing the right time can affect quality. Be vigilant and observant.

Harvesting Techniques

Use clean hands or gloves. Gently grasp the mushroom stem. Twist it lightly and pull upwards. This method helps avoid damage. Use a sterilized knife or scissors. Cut the stem at the base. This technique is precise and clean. It leaves the substrate undisturbed. Collect the mushrooms in a clean container.
Avoid stacking too many. This prevents bruising and preserves their integrity.
Technique Tools Needed Pros Cons
Twist and Pull Clean Hands or Gloves Quick and Easy Risk of Substrate Damage
Cutting Sterilized Knife or Scissors Precise and Clean Requires Tools

Post-harvest Care

After harvesting your Golden Teacher mushrooms, proper post-harvest care is essential. This ensures the mushrooms remain potent and safe to consume. Two critical steps in post-harvest care are drying and storing the mushrooms and cleaning and reusing your equipment.

Drying And Storing Mushrooms

Drying mushrooms prevents mold and bacteria growth. Follow these steps for effective drying:

  • Use a dehydrator set to a low temperature.
  • Arrange mushrooms in a single layer.
  • Dry for 24 hours or until they are crispy.

After drying, store the mushrooms properly:

  • Place them in an airtight container.
  • Store the container in a cool, dark place.
  • Check regularly for moisture buildup.

Proper storage keeps the mushrooms fresh for months.

Cleaning And Reusing Equipment

Clean your equipment thoroughly to prevent contamination. Follow these steps:

  1. Wash all tools with warm, soapy water.
  2. Rinse them well to remove soap residue.
  3. Sanitize with a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  4. Allow the equipment to air dry completely.

Reuse your equipment safely by storing it properly:

  • Keep tools in a clean, dry place.
  • Use a sealed container to avoid dust contamination.
  • Label each tool for easy identification.

Maintaining clean equipment ensures successful future harvests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Golden Teacher Mushrooms?

Golden Teacher mushrooms are a popular strain of Psilocybe cubensis. They are known for their unique golden caps and profound psychedelic effects.

How Do I Start Growing Golden Teacher Mushrooms?

To start growing Golden Teacher mushrooms, you need spores, a growing medium, and sterile conditions. Follow a detailed growing guide for best results.

What Substrate Is Best For Golden Teacher Mushrooms?

The best substrate for Golden Teacher mushrooms is a mix of brown rice flour and vermiculite. This provides essential nutrients for growth.

How Long Do Golden Teacher Mushrooms Take To Grow?

Golden Teacher mushrooms typically take 2-4 weeks to grow. This includes the colonization and fruiting stages.


Growing Golden Teacher mushrooms can be a rewarding experience. Follow the steps outlined for best results. Ensure proper conditions like humidity and temperature. Patience and care are essential for a successful harvest.

Enjoy the process and the fruits of your labor.

Happy growing!

Published by

Leon Subramanium

I'm Leon Subramanium from Pennsylvania, a certified mushroom-growing specialist. I am proficient in mushroom cultivation, composting, mushroom nutrition, and IPM and disease management for mushroom farms. I have learned how to grow various kinds of mushrooms, from edible to medicinal, using different techniques and substrates. I have also acquired skills in spawn and substrate production, lab design, strain selection, and quality control. If you're interested in mushrooms and want to start or improve your own mushroom-growing project, follow this blog, and let's learn from each other. I hope you'll find this blog informative and inspiring.

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